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Newsletter - Image & Perception_May 2024

Updated: Jun 28

Launching my newsletter on my favourite topics, which are the company's image, the impact generated within its ecosystem, and what it is generated in terms of support.


I have started working as independent on these topics for the past few months, while collaborating with entities that can measure the impact of a company's communications within the digital world or provide acceleration solutions.


For years, I have been evolving in this sphere of data analytics, reputation management, and image, but to well manage something, you first need to measure it...

Image & Perception, what are we talking about?


The image is just a matter of perception towards the company's various stakeholders (clients, partners, employees, suppliers, bankers, medias...).


So, are there any recipes or best practices to activate these different opinion relays that will trigger support actions ranging from a simple like, recommendation, intent to purchase, intent to investment, or intent to join the company to bring their talent as a building block?


This is what I will strive to share in these regular newsletters by relaying studies, observations, experiences, and case studies. I invite you to subscribe to this initiative and support and encourage me in return.

Where does this amplification’s force start?


It took me years to be firmly convinced that everything starts internally first. The external face is therefore only the reflection of what happens internally with a distortion effect that can be positive or negative.


Internal means the company's ability to carry its vision and missions, to foster an internal culture representative of individual and collective commitment.

This is about the concept of alignment inherent in management, which must be embodied as much by its executives and leaders as by its ordinary employees (the entire hierarchical pyramid is concerned).


External includes all the collective intelligence to articulate this in the different tools and communication channels, from marketing to technical or financial documentations. But it is also the intelligence and analysis needed to adapt to the various stakeholders who obviously expect specific things.

So, it's far from being just a communication story (cf….F. Fougerat), it's the orchestration of all the company's intelligence with a real long-term strategy.

Which media to broadcast?

All are appropriate spreading a message and making it known; obviously, some are more easily actionable or effective, depending on the targets and the nature of the messages. The website for institutional and corporate matters, social networks ranging from LinkedIn to Tik Tok or Instagram for everything marketing and large audience, especially for younger people, or even Twitch for online games.


But there are many different tactics and strategies, more or less effective. Using certain formats like Reels or an innovative approach with street marketing to be more genuine, more natural, more aligned with the young people's universe. Some only do organic (owned), others activate external actors (UGC) or via influencers (earned), and also the mix with Collab mode (we see external interaction rates of 75%).


Depending on one's resources, one can also boost performance by activating external budgets and publicizing communications or even using celebrities. The "paid" mode generally represents 15 to 20% of communications on social networks.


Measuring the impact of all the company's efforts to be visible and attractive is all the more necessary in this digital jungle. Ultimately, you need to be positively present in the minds of clients or prospects (notion of attention level) to generate recommendation, purchase intention, or simply adherence/support.

What’s next?


In the very next Newsletter, I will share an analysis of the effectiveness of communications made by French CAC40 & SBF120 companies on ESG topics.


We will have examples of communication performance from these players, but also and finally concrete feedback on what these ESG topics are; and generate in the digital world.


Why start with ESG (Environment, Social & Governance)?

Because it is the cultural core of the company and the common denominator of all sectors of activity. For years, we have been talking about the importance of CSR topics, the purpose, and now ESG, saying that these are critical issues for stakeholder engagement and long-term attachment.


But what really stands out?


I cannot help but share first feedback on the last twelve months of analysis on the main social networks:

·      Digital ESG activity represents 10% of all publications,

·      The ESG portion is 5,7% of the total number of views,

·      ESG interactions reach 3% of all interactions.


So there are necessarily improvements to be made... what are the best practices to remember...


The foundation of this newsletter Image & Perception will be the sharing of analyses and feedback on the following topics:

·      Reputation,

·      Corporate Image,

·      Corporate branding,

·      Brand Management,

·      Digital Marketing,

·      Activation of internal ambassadors,

·      Employee advocacy programs.


All these topics will be addressed from the perspective of measuring effectiveness and sharing best practices that can help all communicators and marketers, as it comes from a rational and exhaustive analysis.


Looking forward to future exchanges,

Olivier F.

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