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Measure your digital Brand equity footprint and the one’s of your Executives, to increase its impact and be essential

Updated: Jul 16



From a long-term business perspective, companies must have established a Purpose that drives its organization and business. This will resonate and differentiate within the whole ecosystem through all stakeholders.

Simon Sinek reference: How great leaders Inspire actions.


Taking this through the Digital prism, we could consider the following:


a)     You will use all digital channels to address the Why, through all your various stakeholder communities, ensuring this is well perceived and differentiated from competitors. It’s your reputation, your Brand image, that creates an appetite to engage with you. But beyond that, it’s about improving your business levers through more recognition and desire to collaborate.


b)    You will address the How, by sharing what has been put in place internally to deliver the Why (Process, Production, Product, Services to deliver such purpose).


c)     Finally, you will communicate the What, the significant client experiences and benefits that your customers are enjoying.


To be more successful, to get a better traction on the market and to differentiate from your competitors and do better than them, you need to be laser focused on:

=> Delivering the right message: The ones which are expected, pertinent, and powerful. Touching on tangible pain-points and challenges faced by your potential customers.

From a communication standpoint, this means to identify:

•       What does matter to each stakeholders’ categories,

•       What do they expect from you and the ecosystem?

•       How do they react to your positioning?

•       How are your competitors perceived and positioned?

•       How different are you?

Challenges identified are quite often based on, coordinating your main spokesmen CEO & Executives at first and also operational teams.

We also noticed that CCOs have difficulties to provide to the Executive Committee a factual dashboard on their communication impacts, a structured roadmap with action plan, within an overall Corporate Communication strategy plan, integrating such digital dimension.

As a complement, a good corporate communication should be reinforced by a strong employee advocacy visibility. Obviously, as it’s a declination of the Executive's keys messages, that need to be orchestrated.


=> Addressing the right audience: identifying stakeholders’ categories you need.

For each of them, nevertheless, you must discover who they are, where they are, but also meaning in particular, which digital media they are using, how such media is performing towards your objectives.

•       You need to understand which dynamic to put in place to convert Fence-Sitters to Supporters, and supporters as Advocate, promoting for you, and regulating / minimizing your Detractors on social medias.

•       This will allow you to optimize your media channels, by reinforcing Owned and Earned, magnifying your Direct (customer experience), and minimizing Paid as it has a significant impact on your budget.

With the right strategy and the right level of control, you will generate media value (which can be estimated in €) and a return on investment greater than those of your competitors, plus a higher retention/loyalty rate.

=> Measuring the efficiency of your story telling, through sharing tangible client success stories, positive experiences across social media platforms.

•       Understand which content, on which platform, make you more effective is critical. By using qualitative and quantitative analysis of the main success indexes in the digital landscape, you will receive strategic insights not only about your own brand but also your competitors.

•       Analysing the performance of critical posts and videos to get insights on how to differentiate, to get more tractions through a concrete Action Plan. This need to be articulated by using examples of real content, pictures, videos of employees, customers, influencers, Street interviews... as suggestions and recommendations.


Objectives will be:


1.     To be more efficient (content, channels, supports)

2.     Using budget effectively (optimize media-mix performances, amplify multi touch-points dynamic)

3.     Maximizing ROIs (Exposures, impacts, Engagements, customer acquisition & loyalty...)


Corporate Communication Executives are conductors, and they need an excellent music sheet, to drive their various teams and internal spokesmen.



Digital Positioning is key to install your purpose, and the way you operate through your business, and get the ecosystem recognition you expect and need.


It’s starts in the CEO’s & Executives hands from the Why, until all operational teams to the What, when obviously Communications department manage all of this in a very professional, organized and effective way.



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