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ESG / SBF 120 - Studies on the effectiveness of digital communications

Updated: Jul 19

Summary of the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) study on the effectiveness and impact of digital communications.

March 2023 - February 2024, made by EpsilonTechnologies

Epsilon Technologies measured the performance of ESG digital communications of SBF120 and CAC40 companies, on social networks in France and the impact on Google search, for a year, thus revealing the winning tactics and strategies to reach their audiences.

Paris, May 16, 2024 - Epsilon Technologies analyzed the interactions of 120 listed companies (CAC40 & SBF 120) during the period from March 2023 to February 2024.

The objective of the study was to understand how French digital consumers react to topics and messages on ESG?

Two angles were selected to cross-reference this importance of the study:

  1. How do consumers respond to company-generated ESG content on social media?

  2. Are ESG issues a real concern in the user’s daily life? (using the Google search engine)

Thanks to its Epsilon Icarus Analytics platform, Epsilon Technologies has dissected more than 1 billion views, 34 million interactions generated by the companies themselves, via native publications (earned); and 1.7 billion searches on Google for France over this period.

What are the main learnings from this study?

Many observers of ESG subjects are aware of the gap between the investments made by these companies to become more respectful, and the real impact in terms of perception and particularly via the number of interactions generated, which is a reflection of level of attention of these subjects, within their communities.

The vector for disseminating ESG messages to the general public is mainly via LinkedIn and Instagram.

  • ESG digital activity represents 10% of all publications,

  • The share of ESG amounts to 5.7% of the number of total views,

  • ESG interactions represent 3% of all interactions.

Unsurprisingly, LinkedIn is the most used platform for the corporate dimension. Instagram is the most effective, due to the Reel format.

But more surprisingly, TikTok, although much more modest in this use, remains the most effective platform.

Many companies have not yet extended the scope of ESG communication to all digital social media platforms. This still remains an opportunity to gain efficiency.


The ranking of the most successful brands

This study reveals the performance of these brands in terms of visibility based on their own interactions (which directly affect the brands' publications, “Earned”).

The ranking is heterogeneous, we do not necessarily find in the same positions the companies that have performed the best in terms of efficiency in their digital communication, as measured in 2023 (see the Epsilon Technologies 2023 studies)

L’Oréal remains the only major exception via the volumes generated in both cases, and which finds itself No. 1 by standing out for its very significant use of Instagram.

Interactions include comments, shares, reactions (likes and others) on the platforms analyzed: Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, X/Twitter and LinkedIn. The analysis distinguishes between “owned” (own publications) and “earned” interactions (for example during placement or partnership with influencers).

The podium :

1. L’Oréal (23.14% of all interactions)

2. AirBus (11.29% of interactions)

3. Orange (9.05% of interactions)


Basically, what does emerge from this study?

There is a direct correlation between ESG social media advertising topics and Google searches, which is reassuring and constructive.

First and foremost, we find the subjects of climate change and emissions reduction, the notion of gender, equality and diversity; the subject of health and safety; the theme of recycling and ecological impacts; and to complete the community aspects and social projects.

Unsurprisingly, these themes are both those which generate the most interactions, support and sharing, but also particularly meet the expectations of the different audiences representative of each via the digital prism.

What are the lessons learned from this study to increase the performance of digital communication?

Several new strategies were analyzed here and are revealed in the study. There are similarities with other Epsilon Technologies studies or the top digital trends published in January 2024.

The use and involvement of recognized ambassadors, as representatives of the brand or company, is very effective. Targeted product campaigns, aimed at communities and social projects, give substance to messages and make them more appropriate.

The use of pedagogy, advice, and even educational games, via Community managers, accelerates the appropriation of messages.

Last point, with regard to digital marketing aspects, the distribution of paid media content on the news feed is one of the most effective strategies for improving engagement and awareness.


Are corporate communication and marketing antagonistic?

This is the main lesson of this study.

Certainly, ESG topics are by nature corporate, mandatory in their financial reporting, but highly necessary for establishing or improving the brand image or that of the company.

In the long term, they are fundamental to differentiating yourself, especially in an international and global dimension.

On these subjects, we can only recommend mixing the two approaches and using the strategies and tactics of both to improve their impact and performance.

This study demonstrates that the same digital marketing recommendations apply and produce beneficial effects for ESG subjects.

There is still much to do, but there is still time to stand out; several paths are outlined in this study.

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