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Olivier's background

I have been working over 20 years within market research and consulting firms, by addressing necessary changes and new adoptions, to develop business, growth, or sometimes just to protect exiting assets.

Over the last decade, I have particularly studied the impact of perceptions on the deployment of business strategy. In other words, how to measure, work on, optimize the opinions and considerations of different audiences to efficiently support transformations.

olivier Forlini picture

I noticed some common traits of success when changes are required for such transformation.

But the most critical element, is the notion of alignment, as a key DNA and key backbone company . 

From a communication angle, (which is everywhere within the company and critical to express such company positioning and realities), here are few facts, I am really convinced about communication:

  • Go between company strategy / implementation / operation (as top down)

  • Critical path to relay the message internally first and externally in second.

  • Motor of changes, by increasing understanding, training, adoptions, behaviours…

  • Changing the perception by letting know, what the company is doing.

  • Illustrating through Thought leadership and employee advocacy, the reality of such strategy 

  • Go between company operations to Executive and company strategy (as bottom up)

My interest and focus today is to help companies to measure their digital communication efficiency, by using different data-analytics solutions or SaaS platforms, which can help a portion of global challenges.

Key Experiences

SVP Market Leader &
Managing  Director France
Reputation Institute / RepTrak

Creation of the French Subsidiary

Engaged with clients as a partner for delivering workshops and presenting to Executive Committees.

Facilitated clients in implementing transformation programs, while articulating key reputation drivers to improve business operations and meet set goals.

Dealt with corporate and CSR responsibility, ESG, risk reputation, employee attractivity, business impacts, and supporting factors of industry differentiation.

Key Contributions:

  • Built relations with existing and potential clients and steered local teams to ensure seamless client service operations.

  • Fostered affiliations in business world by presenting conferences and roundtables with key clients/prospects.

  • Linked business expectations with solutions by analysing correlations on NPS, retention, sales, and supportive behaviours to generate willingness to buy, recommend, and invest (through ESG & CSR).

Key Sector Focus: Pharma, Food & beverage, Retail, & Banking


Market research, panels surveys and SaaS solution

Sales Area Manager


Headed a sales team dedicated to Technology provider and major French accounts with worldwide responsibilities.

Collaborated closely with CXO level, including CEO, COO, Head of Strategy, VP Sales, VP Marketing, and CIO.

Key Contributions:

  • Helping clients to evolve their business through the necessary transformation on digital, and SaaS model evolutions, while ensuring success in a short- & long-term period.


  • Trained and coached the value selling methodology through the sales team​



Market research and consultancy

Global Sales Operation

Synamedia Ltd

Control the SaaS transition model and shift for the company's software products via sales and presales operations.

Streamline global sales processes and systems, resulting in improving operational efficiency.

Deal with sales model definitions and coached sales to reduce the time to close the partnerships.

Implement the new CRM system to ensure such sales model transition.


Medias Industry

Software SaaS solutions

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