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Employee Advocacy 

Employee ambassadors are key

 Personal communication Are significantly more effective than corporate... 

Why this is so important today?

  • Ambassador Program, reinforce the open settlement of employee for external communication, with rules and guidelines to apply on social networks.


  • It generates more tractions on  perception, as employee will relate to their expertise and reality within the company.


  • an illustration by an expert is 3 to 5 times more efficient than a corporate communication


Employee Advocacy Program, is based on corporate contents and guidelines, and an external platform, that will support employees to communicate to their own audience, with better efficiency on LinkedIn. 

How to proceed?

  • ​Align all the company on such purpose and run educational / sensitizing sessions,

    • What is reputation?​

    • Why personal branding?

    • how does it work?


  • Implementing an employee Advocacy Program & platform, 


  • integrating content and library,

  • Training and facilitating posting and publications,

  • rewarding & gamification system.​

Implement a solution to help on Posting

  • Automating personal content creation,

  • Integrating company content & guidelines,

  • Edition,  support  & recommendations to publish,

  • Customised content request and support,

  • Schedule publication,

  • Dashboards, tracking content metrics,

Partnering with:

lien partenaire

Let's plan a quick chat to understand your challenges...    

...and Then, let's identify our first collaboration steps.

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