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Digital communication efficiency

You do a lot, but how effective it is?

Are you performing in front of your competitor?

Digital Due Diligence ANALYSIS

  • All your digital ecosystem (x7),

  • Brand media performances,

  • Brand advocates,  influencers & content creator performances,

  • Consumers interest and demand,

  • Social Listening,

  • Organic & Paid medias tactics performances,

  • Campaign performances

  • Digital Assets valuation (€)

  • All analysis in regards of competitors

Digital Attention Index 

  • Real level of people attention towards the brand, versus competitors,

  • Digital Channels performances

  • Market share index,

  • Brand performances

  • A qualitative & quantitative index,

  • A  simple digital ROIs framework to Executive management,

  • All analysis in regards of competitors

Thought Leadership Positionnig

  • Executive digital presence versus their peers,

  • Content performance analysis,

  • Impact analysis,

  •  Recommendations, 

  • Communication territory roadmap,

  • All analysis in regards of competitors

Partnering with:

lien partenaire

Let's plan a quick chat to understand your challenges...    

...and Then, let's identify our first collaboration steps.

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